2017, Number 3
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Gac Med Mex 2017; 153 (3)
Construcción y validación del Instrumento «La Salle» para evaluar los aspectos éticos en la investigación biomédica
Guzmán Valdivia-Gómez G, Velasco-Jiménez MT, Domínguez-González A, Meneses-Ruíz DM, Padilla-García RA
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 344-353
PDF size: 109.40 Kb.
Introduction: Research projects must demonstrate not only a rigorous scientific methodology, but also the ethical aspects
that require profound reflection of the reviewers. Current regulations establish criteria for research projects on human health,
but many of these aspects are subjective. How can the evaluation of such projects be standardized? This is the main subject
of the current project.
Materials and methods: This project comprises two phases. First, the design and construction of an
instrument of evaluation based on the fundamental principles of bioethics, which are autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence,
and justice, and other aspects. The second phase consists of content validation through expert.
Results: During the phase of reviewing the instrument, it was necessary to make changes by adding, removing, or changing the concepts or criteria, which lead to the construction of the second version of the format. This new instrument was reviewed and analyzed by using the AGREE II instrument, and this version was validated by experts by greater than 95%.
Conclusions: There are some recommendations to analyze the ethical aspects in research protocols involving human subjects, but they define the concepts and criteria to be evaluated. By presenting the criteria to be evaluated individually, the “La Salle instrument” allows the evaluation to be more objective and standardized.
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