2017, Number S1
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salud publica mex 2017; 59 (S1)
Exposure to point-of-sale tobacco displays in Argentina: evidence from the 2013 National Risk Factor Survey
Morello P, Ondarsuhu D, Galante M, O’Donnell V, Konfino J
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: S97-S104
PDF size: 279.75 Kb.
Objective. To describe the population that reports to
have visited tobacco points of sale (POS) in Argentina and
their perception of tobacco advertising. Materials and
methods. We used data from the 2013 National Risk
Factor Survey. Results. We included 31 167 respondents
(96% of the total) who attended a store that sells cigarettes
in the previous 30 days. Overall, 54.1% (67.3% of current
smokers, 55.1% of former smokers and 49% of non smokers)
referred having seen tobacco advertising at the POS. Males
(OR=1.2) and current smokers (OR=1.9 vs. non smokers)
were more likely to report having seen tobacco advertising
at the POS. Those who were exposed to second hand smoke
in bars and restaurants (OR=1.2) were also more likely to
have seen advertising. We found that younger people (age
18 – 24) were more likely to be exposed (OR=2.8 vs older
than 65). Among smokers, those who referred to have seen
the advertising were more likely to have tried to quit smoking
during the previous year. Conclusions. It is important to
regulate advertising at the POS to limit exposure, particularly
among young people.
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