2016, Number 2
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Rev Mex Ing Biomed 2016; 37 (2)
Estudio comparativo in vitro de la fuerza de adhesión sobre dentina de dos cementos selladores BC-Sealer y AH-plus
Carrillo VA, Santana BBI, González VB, Villarreal GLJ, Jaramillo FD, Rentería AN, Hofmann SME
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 115-122
PDF size: 462.37 Kb.
Gutta-percha with a sealer cement has been used for many years as a fill for root canal therapies, new materialsand techniques have been recently developed that could increase the success rate of endodontic treatments. It isimportant to compare materials that are used today, with those that are coming to the market, which possessconsiderable advantages that may well increase the rate of successful treatments. The purpose of this research is toevaluate the adhesion properties of a new bioceramic sealer: EndoSequence
®BC Sealer
TMusing BC Points. Forthis, the following techniques were used: Single cone obturation and lateral condensation with AH-Plus. The resultsdemonstrated differences between the groups of AH-Plus and BC-Sealer. On the bond strength that was appliedin the different thirds of the root canal, the sealer cement BC-Sealer proved to be the best adhesion material in allthirds of the root canal being significantly more noticeable in the apical third. The two sealants are effective rootcanal adhesives, used properly, any of there may grant an acceptable resuls.
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