2017, Number 4
Factors associated with the development of hypertensive nephropathy
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 359-379
PDF size: 343.73 Kb.
Introduction: hypertensive nephropathy is one of the lesions to target organs due to arterial hypertension with higher morbidity and mortality. Objective: to evaluate the influence of different risk factors for the development of hypertensive nephropathy.Methods: we performed an observational and observational study of cases and witnesses in patients from hypertension consultation of the polyclinic specialties of the general university hospital Carlos M. de Céspedes, Bayamo, from January 1, 2014 to the December 31, 2016.
Results: multivariate analysis showed that a patient without control of their hypertension was the most relevant factor in increasing the risk of hypertensive nephropathy in 22.46-fold (CI: 11.915-42.341; p: 0.000) followed by left ventricular hypertrophy OR: 12.95, IC: 7.005-23.968, w: 0.000). Analysis of the ROC curve (area: 0.898; IC: 0.873-0.922; p: 0.000) showed adequate model discriminatory ability, whose calibration was acceptable (p: 0.176).
Conclusions: factors associated to hypertension, as well as some biological markers of cardiovascular risk are capable of accurately predicting the probability of developing hypertensive nephropathy; of them a model with an area under the curve with a capacity of discrimination and adequate calibration was estimated.
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