2017, Number 2
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2017; 18 (2)
Physical therapy strategies applied to patients with Alzheimer disease
Lerma-Castaño PR, García-Parada BR, López-Roa LM
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 100-108
PDF size: 163.34 Kb.
Alzheimer dementia is the most prevalent neurodegenerative
diseases around the world, according to the World Health
Organization is one of the most important challenges for the public
health. This type of dementia occur with neurological deficits with
higher cortical functions and impact all the activities daily life. The
objective of this study was to review the contribution of physiotherapy
in the treatment of Alzheimer disease in the last ten years. A search
of the online literature was conducted using Database: PubMed,
EBSCOhost, Scielo, Redalyc, ScienceDirect, Dialnet, Springer link,
Embase, PEDro. The search terms that were used, using the MesH and
DECS descriptors. Search criteria established by the authors were
articles with longitudinal designs, clinical trials, systematic reviews
with/without meta-analysis where the effects of physiotherapy
(techniques, methods, etc.) applied individually or together, enrolling
patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, published in English
or Spanish regardless of sex or age. In all, 38 studies were included,
physical activity intervention programs were the most effectiveness
and significant improvements in cognitive and motor abnormalities
rehabilitation. This studies should be considered in programs for
Alzheimer´s disease.
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