2017, Number 1
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Invest Medicoquir 2017; 9 (1)
Use piercing dangerous fashion in the young!
Rosell PMR, Blanco RO, Valdés CRM, Mendoza FJC, Aleaga AJI, Valverde CCG
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 16-25
PDF size: 363.00 Kb.
The word piercing the pierce comes of English, That it means crossing, perforating, to pierce. The piercing consists in perforating a textile of the body, That is, the skin and adjacent capes, In order to insert a metallic object (earring or another one) that he be useful for him decorative.With various ends, either to give true peculiarity of marginality, Rebelliousness, religion or membership of determined group; In order to increment sexual pleasure or, simply, In order to be abreast of what is used (the body's fashion art).Establishing at what time exact proves to be impossible the piercing appeared in humanity's story, although the truth is that his origin is so antique like the same skin.The specialists calculate than to the less one out of every five people that one perforates the mouth to, he will suffer a sanitary problem of these characteristics.” He must make a system out of generalized stock in order that the young know damage to the buccal health that does the practice of the piercing's use. For that reason divulge him for all of the centers students and means of diffusion the complications of employment of the piercing at the oral cavity and the quality of procedure and the fellow of material of the accessory that it be used since he can provoke local complications or personal data, of infectious fellow or no.
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