2017, Number 4
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2017; 38 (4)
Menarche in mothers and girls. Has age at menarche decline?
Rubinstein AV, Rahman G, Risso P, Ocampo DC
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 219-227
PDF size: 536.04 Kb.
Introduction: Menarche is the most significant milestone in female sexual maduration. It is a rather late event in puberty.
Objetive: To determine the menarcheal age and the relationship of menarcheal age between mothers and daughters.
Material and Methods: Retrospective, analytic study conducted between May 1st, 2014 and September 31st, 2015. Girls who had menarche with gynecological age less than three years were analyzed . The age of menarche of the girl and her mother, health insurance and place of residence was recorded by the method of retrieving data. BMI and BMI/age–Z score were calculated.
Results: Two hundred and fifty girls were included. The mean age at menarche was 11.6 years. The mean menarcheal age of the mothers (12.6 years) was higher than the mean menarcheal age of the girls. Statistically significant difference was observed between the menarcheal age of the girls and mothers (
p ‹ 0.00001). A statistically significant negative correlation between age of menarche of girls and BMI/age- Z score (
p ‹ 0.00001) was observed and remained independent of the place of residence (
p = 0.3903) and health insurance (
p = 0.6067) .
Conclusions: Menarche occurs earlier in the daughters than in their mothers in our population. A trend to decreased average menarche in girls with increased BMI was observed. The age of menarche of girls remained independent of their socioeconomic status or place of residence.
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