2017, Number 2
Educational strategy to lessen risk factors in children with atopic dermatitis
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 270-290
PDF size: 197.15 Kb.
The article deals with risk factors associated to atopic dermatitis in children, a disease with a significant effect on Nuevitas municipality. Starting from the checking of clinical histories in doctors’ offices 4, 5 and 6 in the municipality from January to September 2015, genetic and environmental factors were confirmed to be important. Aiming at lessening these risks, an educational strategy for the children’s families was developed. An initial and a final survey of a population of 60 families and a sample of 30, make for a 50 % with inclusion criterion of having some or a lot of these factors. It was reached the conclusion that the strategy contributed to transforming lifestyles in the studied families.REFERENCES
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