2017, Number 3
Predisposing factors for dental trauma in students from Rafael Freyre municipality
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 798-808
PDF size: 404.78 Kb.
Introduction: dental trauma is one of the one of the most serious problems of public health in children and adolescents.Objective: identify the predisposing factors of dental trauma in children of the elementary school.
Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with students aged 5-12 from “28 de September” elementary school in the municipality of Rafael Freyre from January to June 2016.The universe and the sample of study was constituted for 236 children. The variables studied were age, sex, type of deforming oral habit, labial competence and overbite.
Results: the ages between 9-10 were the most affected ones represented with 47 children (19.9%). There was a predominance of the male sex (68.1%) among students with traumatic injuries. Thumb sucking was the most common deforming oral habit (82.9%). Bilabial incompetence was found in 65.9% of the children with history of traumatic injuries. Increased overbite was found in 80.9% of the children with dental trauma.
Conclusions: the most common predisposing factors were increased overjet, bilabial incompetence, and deforming oral habits. Thumb sucking and the buccal respiration were the prevailing ones.
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