2017, Number 3
Risk factors associated with deforming oral habits in children
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 668-677
PDF size: 340.03 Kb.
Introduction: the deforming oral habits have their origin in the neuromuscular system, constituting reflex patterns of a complex nature that are learned.Objective: to identify the risk factors associated to deforming oral habits in children.
Method: a cross-sectional observational study was carried out between September 2014 and February 2015. For this 180 children between the ages of 8 and 11 from the "Pedro Diaz Coello" Teaching Polyclinic health area of the in Holguín were selected, who voluntarily visited the consultation to participate in the research. The results were presented in statistical tables.
Results: the prevalence of children with deforming oral habits were from the female sex (57.2%) and in the age of 10 years (37.2%), prevailed as deforming habits the tongue thrusting (39.2%). Other risk conditions in the deforming oral habits were the socio biological variables of mothers and children as they do not have experience on breastfeeding (57.2%) and a wrong function of the family (61.1%). High school and technician were the mothers´ school level that prevailed (60.6%).
Conclusions: family malfunction and non-breastfeeding were identified as risk factors associated with deforming oral habits.
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