2017, Number 3
Eeducational intervention on herpetic gingivostomatitis for family physicians in primary health care
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 637-646
PDF size: 311.79 Kb.
Introduction: the family doctors´ knowledge on acute herpetic gingivostomatitis is insufficient, an urgency within the stomatologic standars.Objective: to assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention on acute herpetic gingivostomatitis, for family physicians working in health areas.
Method: a comparative quasi-experimental study from January to June 2013 in 25 family physicians and 13 internal doctors from "Manuel Angulo Farrán" health area, "Julio Grave de Peralta", "Pedro del Toro" and "Alex Urquiola" polyclinics. At the stage of diagnosis, learning needs were determined by surveys. Then they were distributed in educational brochures on the subject and finally, the evaluation was performed under the same criteria of diagnostic stage.
Results: significant differences between the initial and final state of knowledge obtained since the beginning of the investigation, 64% of physicians and 70.6% of the patients had insufficient knowledge about the disease and had not received 100% about this, while at the end of the study 100% of physicians and 92.3% of the patients showed good knowledge on the subject.
Conclusions: the application of educational intervention allowed doctors to motivate and increase their knowledge about this disease, so that could take place in other institutions in the territory.
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