2017, Number 3
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Correo Científico Médico 2017; 21 (3)
Local causes of permanent canines retained in patients of the 'René Guzmán Pérez' Dental Clinic of Calixto García
Quevedo AJL, Mas TM, Mayedo NY, Sierra RY
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 627-636
PDF size: 404.23 Kb.
Introduction: impacted teeth are those that do not erupt in the right place of the dental arch at their chronological age.
Objectives: to determine the main local causes of permanent impacted canines in admitted patients from the Orthodontic Service at "René Guzman Pérez" the Dental Clinic, in Calixto García municipality.
Methods: an observational descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out from January 2012 to January 2013. Admitted patients from the Orthodontic Service with permanent impacted canines composed the investigation universe. The sample was composed by 108 patients between 10 and 19 years of age who presented to the clinic, to which a diagnose of retained teeth was made.
Results: the female sex was the most affected one with 58.3%. In the subgingival position, in the maxillary arch, 61 patients were included (56.5%), 24 from male sex (22.2%) and 37 from females (34.3%). The major local cause was the tooth- bone negative disagreement observed in 45 patients (41.7%).
Conclusions: the permanent impacted teeth was predominant in the female sex in proportion 1.4/1, in respect with male sex. The problem was mainly observed in subgingival position, particularly in the superior maxillary. The tooth- bone disagreement, the elongated maintenance of temporary canines and the premature loss of temporary teeth were the main local causes of canine retention.
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