2017, Number 3
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An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC 2017; 62 (3)
Quality of life in diabetic patients using the DQOL scale. Regional Military Hospital of Puebla, 2012
Miranda NG, Villegas AEB, Plata RFI
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 172-179
PDF size: 199.46 Kb.
Background: Quality of life has different meanings to different people, which reflects the diverse knowledge and experiences. One of the objectives of the treatment of type 2 diabetes is to improve the quality of life of patients, which is why it is important to assess whether this goal is achieved.
Objective: To evaluate the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes attending the Regional Military Hospital of Puebla.
Method: We conducted an experimental study in 102 patients, applying the Diabetes Quality of Life scale to determine their quality of life. To describe the data we used measures of central tendency and dispersion, and frequency distribution. Fisher’s exact test was used to test differences in categorical variables between the intervention groups. For comparisons of mean scores achieved by the participants in the Diabetes Quality of Life scale and their dimensions, we used Student t test for paired samples.
Results: 89.2% (n = 91) out of a total of 102 participants were female. All analyzed groups showed reductions in the score for each component of the scale and globally, which implies an improvement in their perception of their quality of life.
Conclusions: The Diabetes Quality of Life scale can be clinically used to identify and evaluate the quality of life of diabetic type 2 patients; it can also be used to make them aware of their illness and to achieve an adequate nutritional and multidisciplinary treatment goal.
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