2017, Number 4
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Rev Sanid Milit Mex 2017; 71 (4)
Standardized test that measures the psychological profile of the personnel that will cause discharge in the Mexican Army and Air Force
Ortiz-Gómez MA, Mata-Villalba L
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 309-320
PDF size: 324.88 Kb.
Background: In Mexico there is a lack of psychological instruments
specifically designed to select personnel who wish to enter the
Mexican Army and Air Force.
Objective: Design a standardized test that measures the psychological
profile of personnel who will be discharged in the Army and Air
Material and methods: non-experimental biphasic, observational,
descriptive, and correlational study of Mexican youth. Psychological
profile of deserter personnel was obtained and the drafting and
structure of reagents were checked, validity was obtained by judges,
piloting was carried out in personnel of several Military Regions. And
statistical analysis of reliability and validity of reagents. For its standardization
was applied to young military (n = 1372) and civilians (N
= 456), with ages ranging from 18 to 30 years. Data were analyzed in
phases through Pearson's χ
2 and Mann-Whitney U, Cronbach's alpha
and factorial analysis.
Results: After analysis of principal component factors with varimax
rotation, the test consisted of 272 reagents distributed in 16 scales: 5
personality, Afability, Openness to experience, Responsibility, Extroversion,
Emotional Stability; 4 related to risk factors and protective
factors: Physical Health; Ambivalence; Depressive mood; Resilience; 4
scales are related to human values, self-promotion, self-transcendence,
openness to change and conservation and the last three scales, personal
interest, conventional and postconventional, collect information
related to moral development. The internal consistency estimates of
each of the scales are in the range of α= .721 to .896.
Conclusion: We obtained a valid, reliable and standardized test
that is called SMIP-A.
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