2005, Number 3-4
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2005; 19 (3-4)
Nurses’ knowledge and learning capacity about sexually transmitted infections
Sánchez-Jiménez B, Hernández-Trejo M
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 177-186
PDF size: 479.04 Kb.
Introduction: Sexually transmitted infections (STI) are one of Mexico’s public health priorities. The primary prevention activities can have an effect over this type of infections. The participation of nurses is extremely important since their duties include educative and preventive actions that can improve the health conditions of the risk population.
Objective: To identify previous knowledge and the effectiveness of an educational program to promote learning about STI in the nursing personnel.
Material and methods: This is a prospective study with an educational intervention. An educational workshop was designed for 305 nurses from a specialized institution in human reproduction. Learning was assesed with a previously validated questionnaire, administered before and after the workshop. Analysis was performed with the Mc Nemar chi-square.
Results: The global score (from a maximum of 38) was 29.4 points before, and 32.1 after the educational intervention which showed significant statistical changes in five out of the six evaluated items. The educational process analysis showed that the morning or evening shift nurses had 2.4 times more probability for learning than nurses in the afternoon shift. It was found that the most effective combination was to have 40 years or more and to belong either to the morning or evening shifts,
versus nurses with the same age from the afternoon shift (OR 10.2 CI 95% 1.9-54.5).
Conclusions: The educational workshop about STI are more effective with 40 years old nurses or older from either the morning or evening shift.
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