2017, Number 3
Validation of the instrument “Factors associated with the notification of adverse events by the health staff”
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 227-232
PDF size: 297.13 Kb.
Introduction: The notification of adverse events by the health staff is an improving instrument to establish preventive measures in health systems, given that it allows to know the problem, its magnitude and the factors related to this problem. Hence the importance of exploring the factors that contribute to, or impede, the notification of adverse events.Objective: To validate the instrument “Factors associated with the notification of adverse events by the health staff”.
Methods: The instrument consisted of 59 items in nine dimensions and divided into five sections. It was evaluated by experts and underwent a pilot test in a sample of 30 individuals. For the validation and statistical analysis we used descriptive statistics and a reliability analysis with Cronbach’s alpha.
Results: The internal statistical validation obtained was a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.817.
Conclusions: The value of Cronbach’s alpha obtained in the instrument has a good reliability. The instrument fulfills the requirements in order to be used in studies exploring the associated factors that influence the health staff to report the presence of an adverse event.
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