2016, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2016; 19 (3)
Body representations in a child after the loss of right upper limb
Martínez GJA Martínez GJA
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 892-915
PDF size: 509.39 Kb.
The purpose of this study was to analyze how a subject of
eight years means bodily representations after an experience
of loss of the right upper limb in a domestic accident, in order
to describe and reveal through semi-structured interviews
and application of the projective test CAT the meanings
interiorize in the experience through his discourse around the
representations of his own body, trauma, and the analogy of
his primary and secondary relationships. Concluding how the
subject internalizes the loss, through concepts such as selfpunishment,
guilt, loneliness-abandonment by the mother
and the constant questioning of Who am I? and What will I
do? with his own body after the traumatic event since its
introject thought leads to an incomplete body, loss of income
after rumination unable to perform the same actions that
could be made beforehand. Concluding that the traumatic
event led to changes in the subject's history, which have
been meanings thanks to the symbolic representations and
physical loss, full of significances intertwined individual and
social subjectivity that perpetuate and perpetuate throughout
his life.
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