2017, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2017; 89 (2)
Most common symptom combinations, clinical features and supplementary test characteristics of pediatric patients with dengue
Montero DD, Acosta TJ, Oller ML, Figueroa SJA, Becerra FD
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 153-164
PDF size: 240.23 Kb.
Introduction: dengue is a viral disease of broad clinical spectrum.
Objectives: to describe the clinical and laboratory characteristics, and to determine the most common sign and symptom combinations found in pediatric patients suspected of dengue, who had been admitted to the teaching pediatric hospital in Cerro municipality.
Methods: a retrospective, cross-sectional and analytical study was conducted in a sample of 260 patients from a universe of 1 300 patients admitted to hospital from January to December 2012. The study variables were symptoms and signs in addition to estimating the medians of hematocrit, leukocyte and platelet count values at lab. Predictive associations of having dengue were set according to age groups for which odds ratios were determined.
Results: the most frequent symptoms were headache, arthromyalgias, retroocular pain and rash whereas the supplementary tests just showed tendency to leucopenia. The predictive combinations for dengue were fever, exanthema and positive tourniquet test at all ages; fever, exanthema and arthromyalgias for adolescents (OR= 28.7; 95 % CI 3.98-58.3; p= 0.0001) and schoolchildren (OR= 13.32; 95 % CI 1.74-28.0; p= 0.0001) and fever, headache, retroocular pain and exanthema for the adolescent group (OR= 9.57; IC 95 %; 3.63-26.85; p= 0.00001).
Conclusions: in this study, the clinical characteristics vary with the age, excluding the respiratory symptoms, but it is not the same in the supplementary tests. The associations of symptoms and signs should be taken into account depending on the age group and those found in adolescents were similar to the ones reported in adults.
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