2017, Number 3
Morbidity and mortality risk factors in critically ill pregnant women in an intensive care unit
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 91-102
PDF size: 566.09 Kb.
Introduction: maternity is such a beautiful process, nevertheless it is not free of complications which can be presented during pregnancy, delivery and/or puerperium stage, causing the mother’s death.Objective: to identify the risk factors both extreme maternal morbidity and mortality rate in patients admitted to the intensive care unit at Aleida Fernandez Chardiet General Hospital from 2010 to 2015.
Methods: an observational, analytic of cases and control trial was performed with 184 admitted mothers according to a critical report stablishing a relation of 1:4 (case/control) as well 61 patients were reported like extreme maternal morbidity/maternal death and 123 were classified like critical morbidity.
Results: the most of the admitted patients were in the puerperium stage (57,6%), 30,9% had criterion of extreme maternal morbidity and only 4 of them died (2,1%); hypertensive disorders of pregnancy were the main cause of admission by obstetric reasons. According to multivariate logistic regression model the risk factors that prevailed were emergent caesarea (OR adjusted 6,89; IC 95% 1,8-26,3); hysterectomy (OR adjusted 8,7; IC 95% 1,9-37,8); age ≥ 30 years old (OR adjusted 2,46; IC 95% 1,1-5,1) and the puerperium stage (OR adjusted 12,5; IC95% 3,5-43,8).
Conclusions: the risk factors of extreme maternal morbidity and mortality which prevailed were: emergent caesarea, hysterectomy, age of 30 years old or older and the puerperium stage.
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