2017, Number 3
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2017; 55 (3)
Epistemic injustice during the medical education process in the hospital context
Consejo-y Chapela C, Viesca-Treviño CA
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 400-408
PDF size: 313.39 Kb.
Background: The educational model adopted by the Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México (UNAM) Faculty of Medicine is constructivist; it
is a model based on competence development. It aims to provide learning
environments that incorporate real activities (it helps the students
to develop social negotiation skills, as part of their integral learning; it
encourages them to take a critical and reflexive approach; and it is also
a student-centered model). However, many challenges arise when this
model is implemented in the context of hospital environments. Therefore,
our aim was to analyse the hospital as an hermeneutical community and
as a power relations scenario, contrary to the constructivist model.
Methods: In the analysis of a conflict between a chief of a medical
department and an undergraduated medical intern, we use Miranda
Fricker’s categories
discriminatory epistemic injustice, and
injustice, as well as Foucault’s
power relationships and knowledge.
Results: The program implementation is placed in the context of power
relations and different disciplinary methods that could affect the training
process of the students, whose educational background belongs to the
constructivist model. This in part is due to the existence of informal normative
structures that are hidden in the process of medical knowledge
construction at the hospital scenario.
Conclusion: Practices of epistemic discriminatory injustice in the hospital
environment increase vulnerability conditions for medical students in
their education process.
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