2016, Number 4
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Rev cubana med 2016; 55 (4)
Application of a prognostic index of mortality in patients with acute heart failure
Mezquía PN, Soler MC, Tamargo BTO, Olmo MJ
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 287-296
PDF size: 84.36 Kb.
Introduction: Many factors are associated with the increased risk of dying in
patients with acute heart failure.
Objectives: Apply and validate a prognostic index for risk stratification in patients
with acute heart failure.
Methods: A cohort study was performed in patients treated with the diagnosis of
acute heart failure in the Intermediate Care Unit at "Miguel Enríquez" University
Hospital, in order to apply a prognostic index of mortality based, mainly, on clinical
elements. The estimated logistic regression function calculated the probabilities of
dying in the sample of the estimate, and that empirical distribution was divided into
tertiles to search for areas that could be classified as low, medium and high risk of
dying (prognostic index).
Results: 58.3 % of the patiets who were alive at discharge were classified as low
risk, and 52.5 % of the deceased were adequately classified as high risk; the
prognostic model poorly classified only 7.5 % of the patients in this group.
Conclusions: The produced index showed adequate validity and consistency, it is
useful to predict the prognosis of mortality in patients with acute heart failure.
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