2016, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Estomatol 2016; 53 (4)
Oxidative stress in the oral illnesses
Valdés RJM, Padrón CR, El Ghannam RY
Language: Spanish
References: 49
PDF size: 133.56 Kb.
Introduction: the basis of disease is the occurrence of disorders at the molecular
level, so the health professional should be able to understand the varied internal
manifestations of a disease caused by alterations in the biomolecules that systemically
interact and the important role that the oxidative stress plays in this process.
Objective: to make a literature review on the oxidative stress and the diseases
affecting the oral cavity.
Methods: a literature review was made in the period of September 2014 through
January 2016. MEDLINE, PubMed and SciELO databases were consulted; the subject
headings were oxidative stress in oral diseases in Spanish and in English. Several
articles in English and Spanish and publications of the last five years, in addition to 6
articles published prior to this period, were all included. A total of 110 articles were
reviewed, but for the study, 49 were selected on account of a more comprehensive
approach on these topics.
Data analysis and integration: the oxidative stress is closely related to periodontal
disease, mucositis, pulpal diseases, Sjögren syndrome, burning mouth syndrome, oral
aphthas and premalignant lesions such as leukoplakia and oral lichen planus.
Conclusions: there is association of the oxidative stress and many other diseases
affecting the oral cavity, which has an impact on the pathogenesis of many diseases.
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