2016, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Estomatol 2016; 53 (4)
Self-perception of oral health in elderly with acrylic removable partial acrylic prosthesis
Rodríguez FM, Arpajón PY, Herrera LIB, Díaz MJ, Jiménez QZ
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 210-221
PDF size: 200.78 Kb.
Introduction: the increase of the number of older people leads to an increase in
the number of people going to the dental services looking for rehabilitation, and in
most of cases, they do not adapt themselves to the new conditions.
Objective: to identify the association of some factors that influence in the selfperception
of oral health over the older adults with removable acrylic partial
Methods: observational and descriptive research study conducted in 150 randomly
selected old people aged over 60 years with denture. The evaluation variables were
age, sex, type of denture, schooling, previous experience and length of wear, in
association with self-perception of oral health measured by the geriatric oral health
assessment index.
Results: fifty three percent of patients were 60 to 69 years-old and this age group
exhibited the most frequent regular self-perception (49.3 %). Males (16 %) were
the ones with more frequency of responses that agreed with good self-perception.
The highest frequency of bad self-perception was found in high school and
university students who together accounted for 19 %, in persons wearing upper
denture (17.3 %) and in those with previous experience of denture (25 %). Twenty
four percent of the group had been orally rehabilitated for 4 years or more with bad
self-perception of oral health.
Conclusions: less than 80 years of age, masculine sex, denture rehabilitation in
both dental arches and previous experiences of wearing dentures are the factors
that mostly relate to good self-perception of oral health in older adults.
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