2016, Number 3
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Biotecnol Apl 2016; 33 (3)
Improvements in the QUALITATIVE HCV UMELOSA test to detect the RNA of the hepatitis C virus
Perea Y, Armas A, González Y, Figueredo JE, Laza CM, Acevedo BE
Language: English
References: 28
Page: 3301-3307
PDF size: 315.90 Kb.
QUALITATIVE HCV UMELOSA is a test used since 2005 to confirm HCV infection and the follow-up of the antiviral therapy in patients infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The drawbacks of the assay are the need for two rounds of the polymerase chain reaction and that it does not detect amplification inhibitions, leading to false positive and negative results, respectively. Therefore, the general objective of this study was to modify the QUALITATIVE HCV UMELOSA test without affecting its analytical characteristics. RNA extraction, amplification and detection stages of HCV were standardized. An internal standard was incorporated in the extraction step and a specific primer was introduced for its detection, to detect the presence of PCR inhibitors. Appropriate primers were introduced that made it possible to eliminate the nested PCR and therefore decrease the probability of obtaining false positive results. Finally, the analytical characteristics of the new test gave good clinical and analytical results and it was 100 % consistent with the reference kit. The new standardized trial showed a sensitivity of 72.31 IU/mL, which was higher than that of QUALITATIVE HCV UMELOSA (200 IU/mL), thereby enabling its use as a confirmatory assay in therapeutic follow-up and for the screening of plasma mixtures for hemoderivative production. The modifications made on QUALITATIVE HCV UMELOSA make it socially possible to offer better care for the patient with economic benefits because of the reduction of the production cost of the kit and the cost of the Cuban health system.
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