2016, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2016; 19 (4)
Generative behavior and its effect on the quality of life in older adults
González-Celis RAL, Mendoza MVA
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 1333-1354
PDF size: 529.31 Kb.
In almost every country in the world, life expectancy has
increased, hence grow old is considered an achievement of
science, but the challenge is to reach old age with quality of life,
which is central aspect for the well-being that has been
associated with feelings of usefulness and interest in future
generations, translated in generative behavior. Hence the
purpose of the study was to test the effect of generative
behavior in the quality of life in 188 older adults (60-94 years),
33% male and 67% female, who completed the Generative
Behavior Scale (GBS), and the WHOQOL-OLD to measure
overall quality of life and its six dimensions, and a form of
sociodemographic data. The generative behavior was grouped
in three levels (low-medium-high), and they were tested
significant differences by ANOVA for Quality of Life (F = 4.847
(2.163), p = .009) and their dimensions that were found
differences statistics: autonomy (F = 4.189 (2,173) p = .017),
social participation (F = 4.732 (2.175) p = .010) and intimacy (F
= 7.579 (2.180) p ‹.001). It is concluded that the older adults
with generative behavior high perceive better quality of life.
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