2017, Number 2
Tutor’s influence in education at work
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 370-377
PDF size: 53.89 Kb.
The tutoring method works in a flexible way and is able to accommodate to every of the students according to their personality, interests, knowledge, capacity, difficulties level and advances. It functions as a part of a collective teachinglearning process. The factors influencing in personality’s formation play an important role in this process, especially the school. As an institution, the school should play a role of higher importance in forming new generations, but to play this role a combined work with the tutor of the practical area is needed because the tutor is a main piece in the performance of the future professional. In Cuba, in the conditions of the professional training, tutors are pedagogues in exercise of their profession. Due to the importance of the tutor and the role he/she should play in the professional practice for a correct contribution to the training of future health technologists, this article had the purpose of explaining the importance they have in the education at work. Several aspects are approached that are of great interest for the sake of tutors´ performance, related with their practical work including values formation.REFERENCES
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