2017, Number 2
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Rev Méd Electrón 2017; 39 (2)
Characterization of the education at work in the specialty of General Integral Medicine
González RR, Paz VK, Jeres CCM, Rodríguez MOL, Concepción LAM
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 280-290
PDF size: 97.28 Kb.
Introduction: the education in the work in the specialty of General Medicine
constitutes the main form of organization of the teaching, where the tutors play a
fundamental part.
Objective: to characterize the education in the work in the specialty of Integral
General Medicine.
Materials and Methods: a pedagogic study was carried out, and in their execution
theoretical methods were used as: the bibliographical and documental revision that
embraced the main ones thematic: the plan of study of the specialty of General
Medicine, the professional profile and resources for the learning.
Results: the results of the documental analysis were exposed made starting from:
the professional's formation, education in the work, as well as the values and the
medical ethics.
Conclusions: the education in the work the main author of the processes of
professional formation, education in the properly this work constitutes, as well as
you value and medical ethics.
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