2014, Number 2
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Arch Med Fam 2014; 16 (2)
Social Relationships of Seropositive Heterosexual Males: Main Ways of Living Together and Family Organization
Robles AB, Hernández RF, Mundo GP
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 27-33
PDF size: 181.81 Kb.
Objectives: To describe and analyze the multiple constructions that a group of informers has about their daily social interactions since their positive diagnosis of the HIV virus occurred.
Material and Method: Qualitative and descriptive investigation, which consisted in thorough interviews and ethnographies performed to eight males diagnosed as seropositive that referred maintaining sexual practices exclusively with women. The investigation centered in describing which were the main ways of family organization and coexistence that the subjects carried out, and starting from that, in analyzing if there was any attention and care strategies once the positive diagnosis of HIV was known.
Results: All the case studies emphasize on the importance of receiving support from a primary nuclear group (nuclear and extensive homes). However it was observed in the practice, that it was common to maintain the anonymity of the diagnosis or alternatively refer to another type of acquired illness due to fear of exclusion or stigmatization that has been constructed around the HIV virus and AIDS.
Conclusions: In all cases, the relationships of the subjects with their couples are among the most relevant, because they can
simbolize both, a motivation or an obstacule. The HIV diagnosis represent a shift in the social life of the infected subject. HIV has stigmatizing properties, it provokes negative reactions of discrimination and reject. This is why many seropositive subjects decide to mantain the secrecy of their infection among friends, families and coworkers. Informants produce autoisolation strategies, frequently avoiding building social relationships which could unveil their health status. However, we observed that the bonds and nets builded within their social environment allowed them to maintain a relative stable health, so improving their life quality.
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