2016, Number S1
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2016; 8 (S1)
Chronic pelvic pain in women of medium age. Bibliographic revision
Ros MA, Martínez TJC, Rodríguez AEM, Alerm GA, Martínez PR, Noa NM
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 111-121
PDF size: 89.75 Kb.
Introduction: the chronic pelvic pain, suffers a modulation in the women of medium
age for the attitudes and beliefs around the possible association among pain and the
physiologic and anatomical changes that take place as consequence of the loss of the
ovarian function. The biological changes taken place during the climacteric together with
the social function that the women carry out in this stage for the acting of multiple lists,
the invisibility of their times, inadequate cultural assimilation of the aging, makes that
they constitute a highly vulnerable group, they refer diverse symptoms, the most
frequent are the vasomotor crises, attributed to the estrogens deficit, and possible
explanation for the chronic pelvic pain. The treatment has multiple conservative and
surgical alternatives.
Methods: they were carried out electronic searches and in libraries of magazines
doctor’s national and foreign indexed in Scielo, Imbiomed and Pubmed; in a 10 year-old
horizon in Spanish and English language, as well as revisions of thesis of termination of
studies and books of texts with information related chronic pelvic pain.
Conclusions: few evidences of the benefits of the employment of physical agents exist
as the magnetic field and of the analgesic currents of low frequency (TENS) that in our
opinion contribute to the improvement of the chronic pain that occur in our patients
secondary to a weakness of the musculature of the pelvic floor.
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