2016, Number S1
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2016; 8 (S1)
Chronic pelvic pain in middle aged women. Confrontation and answer to the treatment with physical agents
Ros MA, Martínez TJC, Rodríguez AEM, Alerm GA
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 37-50
PDF size: 145.99 Kb.
Introduction: the chronic pelvic pain is perceived in structures related with the
pelvis, without gender distinction, associated to negative consequences in the
environment cognitive, conductible, sexual and emotional. Anatomically, its takes
place in any place between the diaphragm and the knees, and clinically: superior
duration to 6 months, not solved by previous treatments, without relationship with
tissue damage, functional impotence, vegetative signs of depression, altered family
Objective: to describe characteristic of the chronic pelvic pain, confrontation ways,
and psychosocial vulnerability in patient of medium age and the modification of the
pain post treatment with physical agents.
Methods: exploratory-descriptive, observational and longitudinal investigation,
from January 2014 to December 2015. 22 patients were included. The
characteristics of the pain before, one month and two months after the treatment
were evaluated with the short version of the McGill questionnaire. Test of
psychosocial vulnerability and confrontation Ways was used at the beginning of the
study. The treatment consisted on TENS electrotherapy and magnetotherapy. They
were calculated statistical descriptive and frequencies. They were considered
medium for quantitative variables. For the comparisons before and after the
treatment it was used test of Wilcoxon of two lines and significance of 0,05.
Results: The pain was modified significantly in time, intensity and quality
(p=0,0001) indicating the benefits of the treatment with physical agents. Ways of
confrontation predictors of the positive ones prevailed and the negatives prevailed
among the vulnerable ones.
Conclusions: the chronic pelvic pain modified favorably with the methods
therapeutic employees.
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