2016, Number S1
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2016; 8 (S1)
Urinary incontinence in patient´s assisted in pelvic floor dysfunction consultation. Prevalence and risk factors
Martínez TJC, García DJÁ, Rodríguez AEM
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 149.66 Kb.
Introduction: inside the pelvic floor dysfunctions, the form of more frequent
presentation is the urinary incontinence and its associates to certain factors of risk,
some related with the lifestyle.
Objective: to know behavior of the prevalence of the urinary incontinence and
association with risk factors in patients assisted in specialized consultation of pelvic
floor dysfunctions at the Centro de Investigaciones Médico Quirúrgicas.
Method: observational, descriptive and traverse Study front January 2007 to
December 2013. It was filled a record of collection of the information elaborated by
the authors and applied all the patients that went to consultation for their
evaluation, which picks up data like age, sex, habits and customs, surgical
interventions in pelvic or abdominal area, obstetric history, frequency of the
incontinence, previous treatments.
Results: of 487 patients of all the ages, both sexes and dysfunctions; types, 183
consulted for urinary incontinence (37,5 % of the total) with women`s prevalence.
For both sexes those that ingest more than 3 L of liquid for day and the ingestion of
coffee prevailed. For the most part the patients declared to be had subjected to
bladder surgery and prostate. The women that had an urine escape at least a day
prevailed (53,2 %).
Conclusions: habits and risk factors of urinary incontinence reported by the
revised literature are present in our patients. The patients prevailed with daily urine
losses, the treaties surgically among the men and those that had not received any
treatment among the women.
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