2016, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Farm 2016; 50 (1)
Effect of aqueous extract from Piper elongatum Vahl (matico) on the intestinal motility in mice
Quiñones-Laveriano DM, Aranzábal-Alegría G, Verastegui-Díaz A, Cedillo-Ramírez L, Flores-Pariona E, Carbajal-Rivera AL, Robles-Esquerre M
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 117-126
PDF size: 127.86 Kb.
Objective: to evaluate the effect of aqueous extract from
Piper elongatum Vahl
(matico) on the intestinal motility in BALB/c mice.
Methods: experimental study that used activated carbon. The involved groups
were: Group 1 with negative control with 9
00 NaCl; Group 2 positive control with
loperamide 10mg/Kg, groups treated with the plant at doses of 125 mg/kg
(Group3), 250 mg/kg (Group4) and 500 mg/Kg (Group5).
ShapiroWilk, ANOVA and
Bonferroni statistical tests were used; p ‹ 0.05 was considered as significant and 95% confidence interval.
Results: the percentages of intestine explored with the active charcoal were
69.4 ± 4.5; 24.9 ± 3.0; 75.3 ± 4.3; 71.1 ± 4.5; 56.4 ± 2.7 and 59.4 ± 3.0 in groups 1 to 5 respectively. The ANOVA on this variable showed a p ‹ 0,001. The post hoc
Bonferroni test showed no differences between the negative control and treatment
groups with Piper elongatum Vahl whereas there was a difference between the
positive control and the other groups and between the groups 3 and 5 (p ‹ 0.001).
Conclusions: the aqueous extract from Piper elongatum Vahl has no effect on the
intestinal motility at the evaluated doses, so further studies are needed.
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