2017, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Informática Médica 2017; 9 (1)
Design of the dynamic and interactive course for the teaching-learning process of the theme 'Bases for the development of abstract thinking and logical reasoning'
Soca GEB
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 18-29
PDF size: 243.39 Kb.
Bases for the development of abstract thinking and logical reasoning¨, due to the characteristics of the content, is a subject with a high degree of complexity for the professionals of the Medical Sciences. This issue is aggravated due to the lack of didactic means to contribute to the independent work of students. Independent work favors autonomy, reinforces the appropriation of content and the development of thought, as well as cognitive independence. The aim of the work presented in this paper was to design a dynamic and interactive course for helping the learning of contents of the subject we mentioned in the previousl reasoning". The course design is based on the analysis of the Master's Program in Health Informatics, in with the subject is included, the program of the subject itself and the previous designed didactic means available for the teaching-learning process, in particular the background of the results of the diploma work in option to the Bachelor of Education in Mathematics -Computation and Thesis of Master in Information Technology in Health of the author of this article. We also studied the benefits of the Moodle platform and its main features in order to use it as an educational content management system. As a result we obtained a course with dynamic and interactive characteristics, designed to cover each of the main topics that are addressed in the contents. It presents to students exercises with increasing difficulty levels and provides feedback that contributes to the independent work-oriented exercise. This course is an integrating and easily accessible medium for students, which benefits the teaching-learning process and completes the course system for students coming from the health sciences.
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