2016, Number 3
Social approach of technology in the field of dentistry
Language: Spanish
References: 22
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Introduction: the current situation of dentistry worldwide demands that the society know the technological needs as a key factor for its development. For so much time technology had been analyzed basically in regard of its character of items considered artifacts.Objective: to reflect about the conception of technology as a social process, especially in the field of dentistry, pointing out the importance of the clinical method.
Methods: bibliographical review in six items of printed literature and automated online books with the Google search engine using descriptors such as science, technology, clinical method having consulted twenty issues and selected the most updated. In the analysis of the information we used the tool Microsoft Office Word and a microprocessor Pentium IV, with atmosphere of Windows XP. The search and selection of the materials was restricted to texts in Spanish for both printed books and articles of the automated search, these last the period from 2000 to 2015.
Data analisys and integration: the fast process of dentistry practical technification shall not replace the doctor of dental surgery's accrued practical experience, nor the values and qualities that characterize the humanist essence of the profession. Technology knowledge and usage can improve the results and outcome in the health sphere, but we cannot forget that they bring about consequences we should fight, by strongly training the new generations, as based on ethical principles and values cultivated during the professional training.
Conclusions: the development of deontology as a science in the contemporary world demands the use of technology as an effective instrument of human welfare which supplements clinics, allowing improving the results regarding mouth health as well as the quality of our patients' life.
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