2017, Number 2
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2017; 25 (2)
Knowledge, reasons and myths in nursing students about breast self-exploration
Tenahua-Quitl I, Arrioja-Morales G, Salazar-Peña MTL, Sifuentes-Pasillas PG, Antonio-López MT, de León-Gómez A
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 95-99
PDF size: 267.97 Kb.
Introduction: The approach to the variables: knowledge, motives and attitudes towards breast
self-examination is fundamental for the design and implementation of strategies that help for an
early diagnosis of breast cancer.
Objective: To identify the knowledge, myths and reasons on breast self-examination in nursing
students from a university in the state of Oaxaca.
Methods: transverse descriptive study was non-probability sampling and the sample was 114.
Results: The mean age was 20.2 years. Marital status 93% 7% were single and married. Socioeconomic
status has low 73% and 27% average. Of gynecological history obstetrics participants began
their menarche at age 12 with 30.7%. The areas of birth, feat and abortions 98.2% of the sample
did not exhibit any of these characteristics. Knowledge about breast self-examination (AME) 67%
have good knowledge and 47% do not have knowledge. The reasons for the major AEM were
opportunely detect and cure cancer, they are well known, between the myths out is morbid, the
breasts become loose.
Conclusions: The research evinces that overweight and obesity are risk factors a minimum percentage;
also the majority of the population is aware of the AEM. Therefore it is essential preventive
strategies aimed at the early detection of breast cancer and that distinguish the myths related to it.
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