2017, Number 1
Radicular cover with subepithelial connective tissue technique combined with slipped coronally flap
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 163-171
PDF size: 198.80 Kb.
Gingival recession is a very frequent patients ‘reasons for visiting our office, it constitutes an esthetic concern, they also bring about radicular caries, radicular tenderness and gingival margin irritability due to their incapacity to remove the dental bacterial plaque, as esthetics is affected it may therefor cause patients psychological upsets. There are some techniques to treat these defects, such as free gingival grafting, lateral sliding, double papilla, sub-epithelial connective tissue, semilunar, tisular guided regeneration and pedicles flap with crown sliding. A 25 year old–male patient came to our clinic worried about his look. His gums were retracted in 23 level and a few gum was inserted. Five millimeters of root exposition was revealed at proving. After a careful study of the case it was decided to combine two techniques sub-epithelial connective tissue and crown sliding; 96 % of the root was covered and the inserted gingiva increased. The patient was pleased with his esthetic.REFERENCES
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