2012, Number S1
Characterization of pomegranate genotypes intended for fresh and processed consumption in the south of Jalisco
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 135-147
PDF size: 207.82 Kb.
The pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a fruit crop introduced to Mexico which has gained popularity at national and international level due to its organoleptic and nutraceutical qualities; which began to be preferred by consumers who are changing their eating behavior based on those qualities. The pomegranate’s production in the south of Jalisco began some decades ago at backyard level, and its main use has been for the consumption as fresh fruit or in punches, a traditional beverage in the region. The purpose of this research was to characterize pomegranate genotypes intended for fresh and processed consumption in the south of Jalisco. Twenty pomegranate genotypes were collected for measuring the physical and biochemical characteristic. Data were analyzed as a completely randomized experiment. The results showed that there is a great diversity in genotypes of pomegranate which can be allocated to fresh consumption (Chichona 1, Negra and El Tío criolla), with minimal processing (El tío) and for industrialization (Los Guizar and Verde tecata delgada). The minimum fruit processing can provide a good alternative to boost consumption.REFERENCES
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