2016, Number 3
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Revista de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana 2016; 22 (3)
Oral piercings and their complications in dentistry
Jach RM, García BFA, Hernández NA, Vázquez FCJ
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 124-136
PDF size: 292.28 Kb.
Introduction: Oral piercing have become a fashion, the practice of its setting in
different sites of the human body is very ancient. Several types are observed and
they are located in the lips, tongue, cheeks and other parts, the vertiginous form in
which its use has been increased in the current society motivated this investigation.
Objective: to determine the complications caused by the perforations and the use of
piercing in patients who attended “Andrés Ortiz Junco” Teaching Dentistry Clinic.
Methods: an observational, descriptive, transversal study was carried out from
october, 2014 to February, 2015 in Güines; the population was formed by 46
patients, adolescents, young and adults of both sexes, in urban and rural areas, An
interview and a clinical oral examination were performed . For the Statistics analysis
of the information, the percentage was used as a summary measure for the
qualitative variables and they were presented in tables of double entrance to analyze
the relation between the variables.
Results: most of the patients were 16-24 years old (45.65 %) and male (67.39 %).
The ones perforated in tongue and cheeks, used the Barbell type for a 43.75 % and
4.16 % respectively, while the ones who were perforated in the lips used Labrette for
a 25%.
Conclusions: it can be concluded that in the population perforated with oral
piercings, the immediate complications that prevailed were pain and inflammation,
and the mediate ones were sialorrhea and dyslalia.
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