2017, Number 1
Socio-demographic characteristics of teenage motherhood
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 31-49
PDF size: 248.31 Kb.
Basis: Teenagers constitute a vulnerable group and motherhood during this period is a topical problem.Objective: Setting out socio-demographic and motherhood characteristics in teenage mothers from Cumanayagua municipality from September to May 2014.
Method: Descriptive study, cross section (convergence paradigm). The population consisted of 35 teenage mothers and their children. A socio-demographic data form, document analysis as well as semi-structured interview were used. The results were processed by the SPSS statistical package for Windows and frequency and percentage tables were used.
Results: Late stage teenage mothers with the average ages of 17, 18 and 19 prevailed; school dropouts (68.6 %); more than 50 % of them live with their parents with or without a partner; planned pregnancies (71 %) ; occurrence of full-term births (88.6%); ectopic childbirths (74.3%); good physical health states (77.1 %); good psychological states (80%); family support perception (91.4%).
Conclusions: Those late stage teenage mothers who were characterized by motherhood perceived in a satisfactory way, counted on family support, romantic ties, low physical and psychological health risk perception.
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