2016, Number 3
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CorSalud 2016; 8 (3)
Cardiovascular diseases and physical activity: Recommendations for Primary Health Care in Cuba
Rivas EE
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 139-143
PDF size: 388.75 Kb.
Heart diseases, particularly ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction, are the leading cause of death in Cuba. The benefits of physical exercise have been demonstrated in the primary and secondary prevention of ischemic heart disease and its favorable effects on the quality of life, morbidity, and mortality of patients with coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular diseases. In order to design an exercise regime, the "fundamental principles of physical training" must be taken into account: type of exercises, intensity, duration and frequency. The aim of this type of program is to increase the quality and quantity of life of the patient with heart disease, and for checking its effectiveness, periodic evaluations can be carried out at any level of care. One of the main expected benefits is that most patients will be able to rejoin their work or social activities earlier and in better conditions; in addition, they improve their functional capacity, they alleviate their symptoms, decrease the consumption of medications, and the anxiety and depression usually observed, as well as the important preservation of the patient's role in her/his family and social life, all of which will result in significant socioeconomic benefits.
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