2003, Number 3
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Rev Hosp Jua Mex 2003; 70 (3)
Respuesta metabólica durante la natación de extrema duración y el entrenamiento previo
Kormanovski KA, Lara PE, Piñera LF, Álvarez GPR
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 116-126
PDF size: 60.38 Kb.
In this paper some findings related to the metabolic response of a female swimmer (Guiness record) during several long time swims
(from 12 to 24 hours) are made known. In addition, the results obtained from the weekly determination of parameters during 22
weeks of previous training by the same female swimmer, who trained at a height of 2,200 meters are presented. There was a
significant correlation between these parameters and the speed of the swims on one hand and between the swims of different
intensity and the biochemical parameters on the other. There was also a negative correlation between creatinekinase activity and
both lactate dehydrogenase activity and blood urea. The main component of the feeding during the long time swims were
carbohydrates (30-40 g/h on the average). The metabolic response, as a result of this type of feeding, was similar to which we
observed previously in swimmers who were fed with a mixture of protein /carbohydrates (70%-30%), except in the behavior of
blood glucose and lactate. Finally, it is necessary to take into account that, in the feeding of height altitude swimmers during long
time swims, there is an important variation in relation to carbohydrates since their ingestion can be from 10 g/h (combining them
with proteins) to 40 g/h (taking them alone). In the case of our female swimmer when her carbohydrate ingestion was substituted
for a mixture of proteins/ carbohydrates some gastrointestinal disturbances appeared.
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