2013, Number 1
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2013; 5 (1)
Adaptation of nonverbal tests for neuropsychological assessment of Spanish-speaking adults
Izábal Wong, Cristina Elizabeth; Cotrena, Charles; Fonseca, Rochele Paz; Mojardín HA
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 96-103
PDF size: 135.74 Kb.
The objective of the present literature review was to identify
non-verbal neuropsychological test adapted to Spanish speaking
adults, emphasizing on the availability of instruments for
the Mexican population. Searches were done to investigate
which instruments were adapted to Spanish speaking populations
in research articles, as well as instruction manuals
from the editorial houses. The characteristics of the tests are
presented in two sections: (1) instruments available in Spanish
and sub-tests included in neuropsychological assessment
batteries, along with the functions that are assessed and (2)
the objectives, characteristics of the participants and the main
results of the adaptations. A small amount of adapted studies
were found, which presented normative data of the instruments,
in addition the necessity to consider social demographic
variables that influence performance is noticeable. A
need to have appropriately adapted non-verbal instruments
and valid for specific populations, is highlighted.
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