2013, Number 1
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2013; 5 (1)
Psychometric properties of the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-2) in adolescent women of Lima
Domínguez LS, Villegas GG, Sotelo LL, Sotelo LN
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 30-40
PDF size: 158.11 Kb.
Anorexy and bulimia nervosa, among other eating disorders,
are characterized by important alterations of the behaviors
related to the ingestion of food, as well as emotional imbalances,
personality disorders, perceptive distortions, obsessive
thoughts, negative self-esteem, etc. Observing the situation
in Peru with respect to this condition, it is necessary to have
an instrument for its evaluation. The objective of this study
was to analyze some of the psychometric properties of the
Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI-2) in a sample of adolescent
women of Lima, and obtain evidences that support their use
like a screening instrument to detect possible cases of eating
disorders. An acceptable reliability was obtained (Cronbach
Alpha .90), as well as factor analyses (five factors that explained
36.8 % of variance). These results confirm the use of the EDI-2
like a screening instrument. It is recommended to expand the
studies to consolidate their use in our context.
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