2017, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2017; 59 (1)
Time trends for tobacco and alcohol use in youth-rated films popular in Mexico and Argentina, from 2004-2012
Barrientos-Gutiérrez I, Mejía R, Pérez-Hernández R, Kollath-Cattano C, Peña L, Morello P, Arillo-Santillán E, Braun S, Sargent JD, Thrasher JF
Language: English
References: 46
Page: 76-83
PDF size: 458.26 Kb.
Objective. To examine and compare overall prevalence and
time trends in tobacco and alcohol portrayals and brand appearances
in youth-rated US and nationally-produced films
that were the most successful in Argentina and Mexico from
Materials and methods. Top-grossing nationally
produced films from Argentina (n=73), Mexico (n=85)
and the US (n=643) were content analyzed. Logistic regression
was used to determine differences between Mexican,
Argentine and US produced films. Linear regression models
assessed significant cross-country differences in the mean
number of tobacco and alcohol seconds.
Results. Films
from Mexico and Argentina were more likely than US films to
contain tobacco, (OR=4.2;
p‹0.001) and (OR=7.2;
Alcohol was present in 93% of Argentine, 83% in Mexican
and 83% US films.
Conclusions. Smoking and alcohol were
highly prevalent in nationally produced films. They may have a
significant impact and should be targeted by policies to reduce
youth exposure to portrayals of risk behaviors.
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