2017, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2017; 59 (1)
Comprehensive sexual education in Mexico: an analysis of coverage, comprehensiveness and continuity of contents in Mexican public and private schools
Rojas R, de Castro F, Villalobos A, Allen-Leigh B, Romero M, Braverman-Bronstein A, Uribe P
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 19-27
PDF size: 347.88 Kb.
Objective. To analyze coverage of comprehensive sex education
(CSE) in high schools in Mexico and describe whether
it is comprehensive, homogeneous and has continuity based
on student reports of exposure to topics in three dimensions:
reproductive and sexual health, self-efficacy and rights and
Materials and methods. Within a probabilistic,
cross-sectional survey with stratified, cluster sampling, a nationally
representative sample of 3 824 adolescents attending
45 public and private high-schools in urban and rural areas
completed questionnaires on CSE.
Results. The proportion
of adolescents reporting having received sex education from
school personnel varies depending on topics and grade level.
Topics most frequently covered are those related to sexual
and reproductive health while rights and relations are least
frequently dealt with. Most sex education topics are covered
during junior high school and much less frequently in
elementary or high school.
Conclusions. CSE needs to be
comprehensive and homogenous in terms of content, ensure
inclusion of priority topics, meet national and international
recommendations, ensure continuity and adapt contents to
student age through all education levels.
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