2014, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2014; 17 (1)
The definition of psychological abuse in a sample of college students
Salinas RJL, Espinosa SV
Language: Spanish
References: 53
Page: 58-83
PDF size: 575.23 Kb.
Measuring violence in young couples in dating is done with
instruments that consider psychological violence as an
undifferentiated component of sexual and physical. Some
authors consider that psychological abuse is a distinct type,
with its own (Follingstad, 2007) and is presented with a high
frequency among youth (Chung, 2005). Current data have
produced disparate estimates due to the large number of
operational definitions of psychological abuse are used,
made without considering the idiosyncratic characteristics of
the population itself. The aim of this study was to obtain the
definition of psychological violence in a group of university
students through semantic networks. Natural Semantic
Networks Technique was applied to 225 young students from
a university undergraduate level (144 women and 81 men)
with a mean age of 21 years. It was found that the main
defining for both genders was the word "offenses", through
which the words are semantically organized such as are
screaming, humiliate and blackmail. We conclude that verbal
abuse/criticism is the main component through which it gives
meaning to what is considered as psychological abuse.
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