2016, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2016; 45 (1)
Myogenic vestibular evoked potentials
Alfonso ME
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 70-78
PDF size: 237.93 Kb.
Equilibrium is the required state of a body by opposing and equal forces, it is the
maintenance of the body position appropriate to each circumstance, both in static
and dynamic condition. The posterior labyrinths regulate these forces to a great
extent, and normality is based on the equality of their tones. They are made up of
the semicircular ducts and the membranous vestibule (constituted by the utricle
and the saccule). Semicircular ducts can be examined through rotational or
bicalorical vestibular tests, otolithic organs (utricle and saccule) because of their anatomical location are limited in the study of their functions, however, there is a
neurophysiological test (evoked vestibular myogenic potential) capable of exploring
the function of the saccule and inferior vestibular nerve, which takes advantage of
the ability of the saccule to be stimulated with high sound intensity at different
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