2016, Number 6
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Mul Med 2016; 20 (6)
Temporal arteritis with normal erythrocyte sedimentation: about a case
Acuña SJA, Vega RDW, Sosa RRM
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 140-145
PDF size: 229.07 Kb.
The temporal arteritis or gigantic cells is an arterial inflammation showing hypersensibility and headache in the scalp among others forms of presentation. It is presented a patient masculine of 64 years old who had personal antecedent of higher blood pressure, he went to the doctor because some months ago he suffered from a bad headache in the temporal-parietal region and when he went to sleep it was more intense, at the same time he presented tearing on his right eye with scalp hypersensibility and volume increase of the temporal arteries, with the normal erythrocyte sedimentation velocity which is describe only in literature in a 5,4 % of the cases, we performed a biopsy of the right superficial temporal artery, CT scan was performed that discarded an intracranial expansive process as the cause of the headache. It was treated with prednisone with good answer.
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