2008, Number 2
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Rev Neurol Neurocir Psiquiat 2008; 41 (2)
Sensorial integration in children from 0 to 3 years with high neurological risk
Tapia GG
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 51-55
PDF size: 70.09 Kb.
Introduction. In the pediatric gymnasium of the Hospital
Central Militar, they make daily between 15 and 20 sessions
of neurotherapy, early stimulation and hydrotherapy.
The patients are valued presenting data at sensorial alterations,
arising therefore the intention to offer diverse
options of treatment, with bases in the new theories of
movement, development and sensorial integration.
Material and method. The study was observational,
descriptive and longitudinal. A group of children with diagnosis
of high neurological risk of 2 to 36 months of age
was selected, of both sexes, whose parents accepted to
participate in this study. The tests Denver and Weefim II 0-
3 years (evaluate the areas of motor heavy, motor fine,
personal/social, language, cognition and conduct) were
applied at the beginning and after 3 months. For the treatment
a room was created with harmonic sensorial atmosphere
in addition to a plan of activities of sensorial integration
in the home (feeding, the bath, the game and the
Results. In the initial evaluation averages quantified in
months were registered; heavy motor of 11.3, language
9.9, fine motor 10.7, pesonal/social of 10.8, cognitive one
of 8.5 and conduct of 8.5, the final evaluation reports an
advance in the six evaluated areas of development.
Conclusions. Acceptance the hypothesis of work when
finding advance in the development in 100% of patients,
although only two equaled their perceptual age with their
chronological age.
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