2016, Number 4
Clinical epidemiological characterization of newborns hospitalized with early sepsis. Western Regional Hospital, Belice, 2015
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 771-783
PDF size: 232.28 Kb.
A descriptive, longitudinal study was carried out with the aim of characterizing the clinical and epidemiological elements in newborn admitted by early neonatal sepsis in the maternity ward of the Western Regional Hospital in Belmopan city, Belize in the period July-September 2015. Several variables were studied related to the mother and the newborn. There were admitted 7.9 % of deliveries in the period by this cause. The frequency of mother with risk was high with antecedents such as vaginal sepsis, urinary infections, premature membrane ruptures and corioamnionitis. Two quite frequent conditions proper from children at born were preterm newborn and low birth weight. The 19.2 % had asfixia at born, 15.3 % suffered from meconium aspiration. The more frequent causes of early neonatal sepsis were urinary tract infection, pneumonia and septicemia while 30.8 % did not focus sepsis. A favorable following up towards healing was got in 77 % from the whole number of patients admitted. Three neonates had no mortal complications and one baby died due to the early onset neonatal sepsis. The results showed the need of strengthening preventive work.REFERENCES
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